We know that you are inspired by walking around the store and seeing the yarn, samples and patterns. And that you might be missing this activity. So let us be your legs. Join us at 10 am on Saturday, May 16, 2020 for a virtual shopping spree! We will host a Zoom meeting to show you the latest arrivals in the store (they showed up just prior to the close-down!), the samples we made from them, and some ideas we have for these yarns. The latest issues of Knitscene and Knit Simple have some of the best patterns for these yarns that we've seen in a while. We'll show you these ideas. We also have a great selection of fabrics for face masks.
Here is the meeting information:
Anne McDermott is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Virtual Shopping Spree Time: May 16, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88388256039?pwd=K25SMEx1OTNrV3BsVkRPc3prQzlmdz09
Meeting ID: 883 8825 6039
Password: 438695
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Meeting ID: 883 8825 6039
Password: 438695
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